Original Plans For Seth Rollins And Dean Ambrose At WrestleMania 34

dean ambrose

In the fall of 2017, fans finally got what they wanted when The Shield reunited, but The Shield reunion didn’t exactly work out as planned.

Roman Reigns got the mumps and had to be taken out of action, and Dean Ambrose was also sidelined after it was discovered he was dealing with a triceps injury.

This week on Raw, fans saw Dean Ambrose turn on Seth Rollins after they won the Raw Tag Team Titles in the main event, and revisiting the Seth vs. Dean feud is something WWE has been planning to do for quite some time.

Jon Robinson, author of the book “Creating the Mania: An Inside Look at How WrestleMania Comes to Life” recently appeared on the Smark to Death podcast, and he noted that originally Dean Ambrose was supposed to turn on Rollins to set up a WrestleMania match.

“The only match that was locked in early was Roman vs Brock, they knew about that for a year. They really wanted to do Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose, that was another storyline. They wanted to break up the Shield and that was gonna be a huge match at Mania, but then Dean got injured. So, then all of a sudden it’s what you do with Seth and the Shield storyline?”

Ultimately Seth went on to win the Intercontinental Championship in a triple threat match at WrestleMania 34, but it sounds like WWE is trying to make up for some of the storylines that had planned which didn’t work out during the last Shield reunion.

We’ll have to wait and see just how long this Seth vs. Dean feud lasts, and if they end up facing off at WrestleMania 35 in 2019.


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