nikki bella

It’s only four days until WrestleMania and Nikki Bella has already had a very busy day. Nikki recently posted a new video on the Bella Twins’ official YouTube channel to chronicle her journey. She hasn’t worked much in the ring lately and only been participating in on-screen segments in her program with Miz and Maryse alongside John Cena. The reason to this turns out that her neck might not be in the best shape. Even though it didn’t look like she had much trouble executing her finisher on Tyler Breeze a couple of weeks ago.

Nikki had neck surgery last year and was out of action for some time. She recently started experiencing, even more, neck pain and was worried she might not be able to wrestle in her upcoming WreslteMania mixed-tag match.

However, the results from her doctor are in and although she has a slight herniation where she had surgery, she’s good to go. Now Nikki just has to figure out what to wear. She’s got a lot of outfits to chose from too.

During this video, Nikki wakes up very early and after watching John Cena sleep for a bit, because isn’t that just so much fun. She spends a lot of time in her massive closet trying out different outfits for the camera. So, if you’re into that kind of thing, then this if your video! Nikki is still very excited about her WrestleMania match and has invited several friends to be there as well.

She wants to pick out the right outfit that says “Nikki Bella.” It’s good to see that although she might have some concern over her neck, she’s still Fearless and ready to compete this Sunday. It’s also remarkable how many bags Nikki Bella needs to pack in order to get her WrestleMania going. But when you’re Nikki Bella, what you’re wearing says a lot about you.