Neville Rips On His New Shirt, Josh Mathews Comments On GFW Rumors


For months Neville has been telling fans that he’s the King of the Cruiserweights, but as of Sunday night he’s no longer the Cruiserweight Champion. Enzo Amore defeated Neville to win the belt at No Mercy after he hit him with a low blow and rolled him up for the pin.

Related: Backstage News Regarding Enzo Amore’s Heel Turn Revealed

Monday night on Raw, Neville attacked the Cruiserweight Champion, and even though he may not have the belt anymore, he does have a new shirt. The former champion is still calling himself the King of the Cruiserweights, but it doesn’t look like he has any interest in wearing his new shirt.

Neville recently took to Twitter to call his new shirt an “atrocity” and to say that he deserves better.

Global Force Wrestling/Impact Wrestling is a company that’s constantly surrounded by rumors, and a few weeks ago Sports Illustrated reported that Anthem Sports was losing a lot of money on the company, and that they were interested in selling Impact.

The company has since denied the report, and during a recent interview with Sporting News, Josh Mathews said that he doesn’t foresee Anthem selling the company.

“Then you wake up in the morning and read an article from Sports Illustrated saying that Anthem wants out and they’re hemorrhaging funds and they don’t want to have anything to do with this anymore. To me, that’s the furthest thing from the truth. They’re invested. We’re doing ‘Bound for Glory’ on Nov. 5 and all this momentum is going forward. Then one story and one thing and one negative piece of journalism comes out and it kind of puts you eight steps back and it’s really difficult.”

“I’m more confident than ever that everything is going to work out,” said Mathews. “Instead of circling in the water, as long as we keep moving forward five, ten yards at a time forward, then I think we’re going to be OK and I think ‘Bound for Glory’ in Canada is a great step in that direction. The future to me looks bright unless (Anthem) decide to close the doors, which I don’t foresee happening.”


  1. That shirt is typical generic wwe. It’s not awful but I wouldn’t buy it. It’s weird, but wwe puts absolutely no effort in their merchandise. Guess they figure the idiots in the “wwe universe” will buy it anyway. Best wrestlers shirts they ever did were for HUH. They didn’t look like “wrestling shirts”. You could wear them basically anywhere.


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