Natalya Gets Some Help From Her Cats To Pack Tyson Kidd’s Luggage


Let’s talk about cats because they’re adorable even though some people believe they’re just aliens wrapped in fur. Cats might be aliens, but they are also some of Natalya and Tyson Kidd’s favorite things. Since he’s been out due to injury, Tyson has had a lot of time to play with his many cats. Now that he’s hitting the road once again as a WWE agent he has to bid his cats farewell from time to time.

Tyson’s wife Natalya isn’t really the bitter crazy person you see on television because, in reality, she isn’t bitter at all. She has a heart of gold and that extends to her love of their many cats. They obviously love their fur babies and have plenty to go around. But if you’re going to be a cat, you would want to be one of Nattie and TJ’s cats.

Natalya said in a recent interview on Edge and Christian’s Pod Of Awesomeness that those cats get plenty of TLC. They eat a can of tuna juice a day and Natalya’s mother even drives down to get the tuna their cats don’t eat to give it to feral cats in the neighborhood. Needless to say, they are totally cat people.

Tyson Kidd was getting ready to hit the road and Natalya was helping him pack. But she had extra help as her cats wanted to join in on the fun. Unfortunately, cats don’t really understand the concept of packing. They usually just understand the idea of something being soft so they’re going to lay down and spread their scent all over it.

But Tyson Kidd didn’t seem to mind his cats all over his luggage. To him, extra fur adds character. So if you’re allergic to cats, the next time you see Tyson Kidd strolling up it might be a good idea to avoid his general area.

One thing is for sure, this is a very interesting way to pack. But as Natalya said, a little extra cat fur is good for the soul.


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