Mick Foley always has high praise for the WWE Divas an he keeps his eyes on the division. He recently made a big prediction about Eva Marie on his Facebook page. You can read a little bit of what he had to say below:


WITHIN ONE YEAR ‪#‎WWE‬ Diva ‪#‎EvaMarie‬ will be in a great match at a big show with ‪#‎SashaBanks‬ ‪#‎BeckyLynch‬ ‪#‎MsCharlotte‬ ‪#‎Bayley‬ ‪#‎Natalya‬or ‪#‎Paige‬ I’m not saying the match will be all her doing, but history doesn’t remember who came up with the ideas, or who carried the match; history remembers who was in it. And despite the problems she seems to have with some of her ‪#‎TotalDivas‬ co-stars, fellow wrestlers, and the heat – bordering on nuclear – that she has with some wrestling fans, Eva Marie’s improvement from week to week in recent matches has shown me she has the drive, determination, and that intangible “it” factor necessary to accomplish something special with one of the super-talented ladies of WWE/NXT.

Eva Marie takes flack for the personal training she receives from Brian Kendrick. As far as I’m concerned, there is no “one size fits all” method of training. Sure, almost all developmental talent undergoes extensive training at the Performance Center in Florida, where Sara Del Ray – one of my personal heroes – has played an invaluable role in dramatically transforming the expectations for what fans have come to expect from‪#‎WomensWrestling‬. But it looks to me like Eva Marie is progressing nicely with the one-on-one work she’s done with Kendrick. While watching season 3 of ‪#‎ToughEnough‬ on ‪#‎WWENetwork‬ today, my kids were SHOCKED to see the rough treatment Bob Holly dished out to Matt Cappotelli. But check out the treatment this young trainee receives at the hands of legendary Japanese female wrestler Chigusa Nagayo at about the 6:00 mark of‪#‎GaeaGirls‬ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=245zlx98wTo and you can almost feel Bob Holly saying “Chigusa, take it easy on the poor kid.” When my kids asked me who the meanest trainer of them all is, and I said “Brian Kendrick”, they let out a huge laugh. For the life of me, I just can’t imagine Kendrick intentionally kicking in someone’s teeth, or breaking someone’s nose. But Kendrick is a GREAT trainer, with a gift for bringing out the best in students – and, from what I can see, Eva Marie has been the beneficiary of that gift.