Michael Cole has published a new blog on LayfieldReport.com and reveals that he helps train WWE’s announcers at the Performance Center each week:

“My favorite part of NXT is spending numerous hours each week in the Performance Center’s announce booth, helping our up and coming broadcasters hone their craft. I can’t wait to hear Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and William Regal call all the action at NXT Arrival because I know they are ready and will help steal the show! My goal is to get them to the point where they will be calling all the action on Friday Night Smackdown someday soon!”

He also talked about the weight loss challenge he and JBL:

“In other news…..JBL and I just kicked in our intense training as we look to climb a minimum of three mountains this year. Our big alpine season begins in late July-early August with a climb in the Cascade Mountain Range. We then look to conquer Grand Teton in Wyoming in late August and then in early September our crown jewel this year, Mt. Rainier outside of Seattle, one of the toughest mountains in the contiguous U-S and our big training climb for a possible summit of Denali in Alaska sometime in the next 2 years. John and and I are looking to lose at least 30 pounds, with goals of 40-50 pounds possible. At our age it’s a slow, arduous process, but John is down over 20 and I have lost 13 so far. After my initiation into mountain climbing last year I have changed my workout regimen a bit this go around. 85% of my training now focuses on endurance (make those legs and lungs stronger) and I am climbing football stadium steps with 35 pounds in my backpack for 90 minutes at a time. I am also running 6-8 miles a day, training to do a half marathon in April. Give yourself a goal every couple of months in order to keep the workouts fresh and exciting. I have backed off a lot on traditional weight training, focusing instead on “outdoor training” and “practical muscles” I will use on the climbs. I have cut back on all carbs, except pinto beans and green vegetables, and focus on a diet heavy in protein and good fats.”