A Member Of The New Day Is Either Injured Or They’re Trolling Fans Hardcore

the new day

There’s nothing quite like an poorly-timed injury. Then again, there’s no real ideal time to get injured. But right before you’re reportedly going to be jumping brands is never a good time to get put up on the injured column of the roster.

Last week on the Raw after WrestleMania, The Revival finally made their main roster debut. Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder took out New Day in efficient form and followed up their victory by hitting Kofi Kingston with their figure-4/top rope stomp deal they do that looks like it really hurts. Kofi rolled around the ring in pain and the segment ended with The Revival celebrating by leaving their first bit of carnage in a WWE ring.

Many didn’t think anything of this except for the fact WWE wanted The Revival to show off both of their finishing maneuvers: The Shatter Machine and the before mentioned figure-4/stomp combo. But, there very well might be more to this story. Kofi might have taken that move to set him up for some time off due to injury. After all, The Revival used the same move on Big Cass when he had to take an injury vacation a couple of years ago.

Big E recently tweeted out a picture of Kofi Kingston in was we can only assume is a hospital bed. It would appear this is the case unless they’re staying a very weird hotel right now. Kofi is also in what looks like a hospital gown too. These are not good signs at all.

There are reports that The New Day are going to be jumping to SmackDown Live in exchange for AJ Styles on Monday’s superstar shake-up. But, with one member of the longest running WWE Tag Team Champions possibly out of action this could change things. Then again, The New Day dealt with Big E’s injury without skipping a beat and they were the WWE Tag Team Champions at the time. That’s one of the best parts of being a trio.

Let’s hope that Kofi isn’t really hurt and they’re just running a couple tests. But the fact he’s in what appears to be a hospital bed is never a good thing. It appears even though he might be injured, Kofi is still in good spirits though judging by the comical expression of his face. Big E’s comment on the photo is also pretty funny. He might not be going into the light, but Kingston very well might be on the shelf. Let’s hope he’s okay.



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