At the beginning of the year The Hardys were working as the Broken Hardys in Impact Wrestling, and after they parted ways with the company, Impact officials started sending out cease and desist letters trying to prevent Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy from using the gimmick. Both sides have been fighting over the rights to the gimmick for months, but so far little to no progress has been made.
Related: GFW President Says He’s Not Interested In Negotiating With The Hardys
Even though The Hardys have reverted back to their old Team Xtreme gimmick, the fans still chant for Broken Matt and Brother Nero on a weekly basis. The brothers have been teasing the arrival of the Broken Hardys for months now, and earlier this week on Raw, Michael Cole noted that something had “awoken” in The Hardys.
In a Raw Fallout interview Matt Hardy noted that he felt “woken” and he said, “there’s an awakening that’s happening inside my brother, and myself.”
Now Matt Hardy is teasing that the “AWAKENING of ENLIGHTENMENT” has begun and he’s telling fans to get woke.
It seems that The Hardys are teasing a slightly different interpretation of their popular Broken Hardys gimmick, and it looks like we may be seeing the Woken Hardys in the WWE soon.
The belief is that Jeff Jarrett and GFW just want to stretch out the legal battle as long as they can in order to make life difficult for The Hardys. But if the brothers really are moving ahead with the Woken Hardys then it would allow them to bring the popular gimmick to the fans. Only time will tell if this is the direction they’re going.
It might not be the Broken Hardys, but it’s still better than nothing.
Im so freak’n happy that the Hardys are now… “Woken”. As a fan I’m hyped to see what the future holds for them. It’s gonna be awesome! Thankyou Hardys!!! For overcoming that “Broken” battle. Delete! Delete! Delete! It’s an absolete.. “Woken” era that has begun.