Matt Hardy Says The Surprises Are Only Beginning

broken matt hardy

The Broken Hardys are one of the most unpredictable teams in all of wrestling right now and you never know where they’re going to show up. They’ve been giving us surprises and shocking moments for months now, and as fans we really should praise the Seven Deities for giving Matt Hardy the knowledge that fuels his Broken Brilliance.

Related: Matt Hardy Shares Unreleased Footage From The Expedition Of Gold

The Hardys have been on an Expedition of Gold which has seen them travel to different promotions and capture titles from around the world. The team recently debuted in ROH and they surprised fans when they captured the Ring of Honor Tag Team Titles. Matt Hardy spoke to ROH about their debut and he noted that there are more surprises to come.

“Something very rare in this day and age is to see performers do something that has never been done before. To see a tag team go on a conquest — an “Expedition of Gold” — and go to various promotions all across the world and win titles is something new. Everything my universe is and everything that created it and allows it to exist depends on surprise and you not being able to guess what the next move is. It’s something we will continue to do. The surprises are only beginning.”

When The Broken Hardys made their debut with ROH everyone was talking about the fact that no one knew it was going to happen. It was certainly one of the more surprising wrestling moments that has taken place over the past few years, and Hardy is on a mission to make wrestling unpredictable.

“The most important thing in the professional wrestling industry in this day and age of technology and the Internet and social media is to be able to make wrestling unpredictable. We were very happy we were able to do that, and it’s one of the things I take a lot of pride in, along with my universe. I do all that I can to surprise people and make things unpredictable because that is what makes wrestling fun. Matt Hardy may be dysfunctional, but you can’t spell dysfunctional without fun. My goal in the professional wrestling industry is to put fun into the dysfunctionality of it.”

It’s safe to say that he’s accomplishing his goals because although Matt has said The Hardys signed the most lucrative contract in ROH history, no one can seem to figure out how long they’ll be staying with the company.

As of right now it’s believed that The Hardys may only be working with ROH through April before they eventually jump to WWE, but as I’ve said before, the one thing that’s for sure about The Broken Hardys right now is that nothing is for sure, and we like it that way.

Related: Update On The Broken Hardys Possibly Coming To WWE


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