Mark Henry On Why He Hung Up On Vince McMahon The First Time He Called Him

mark henry

This year’s Hall of Fame class is going to be a big one, as Goldberg, The Dudley Boyz, Hillbilly Jim, Ivory, Jeff Jarrett and Kid Rock have all been confirmed, and today WWE announced that Mark Henry will also be inducted this year.

Mark Henry recently spoke to USA Today about his Hall of Fame induction, and he noted that when he found out it made him feel like everything he’s sacrificed has been worth it.

“It was a little while back. I was in Los Angeles with the powers that be… it was just an overwhelming feeling, you know? My face got hot. A couple of tears fell, and you felt like, instantly, all of the pain and torment that you put your body through, the sacrifices that you made – they were worth it. It paid it all off.”

Henry has come a long way over the years, and he also shared the story of his first phone call with Vince McMahon. According to Mark Henry, he thought he was being pranked when he got the call from Vince, so he hung up on him when he answered the phone.

“Well the first conversation I had, I thought it was one of my buddies playing a joke on me and I hung up on him. And my manager at the time called me back and said ‘hey, I just had Vince McMahon call you and he said you hung up!’ And I was like ‘that was Vince McMahon for real!?'”

Luckily the two sides were able to work through the confusion, and McMahon got Henry back on the phone for a second call.

“I felt so dumb. Here he is, one of the most influential people in the wrestling industry calls you and you hang up on him thinking it was a joke. Eventually I called back and I said ‘hey, I hope you understand, I thought it was somebody playing a joke on me.’ And he said ‘don’t worry about it, I’m glad I could get you back on the phone.’ He was like ‘I want you to come to Connecticut and see how we do things up here.’ I said ‘am I going to get to meet The Undertaker?’ You know, I was such a fan, I just wanted to meet everybody. That was really my primary thing for going down there because I wanted to see the stars. I wanted to see the superstars.”

Who do you want to see induct Mark Henry into the WWE Hall of Fame this year? Sound off in the comments below.


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