Maria Kanellis Reveals What WWE Told Her And Mike Before They Signed New Contracts

maria kanellis

In 2019 and early 2020 WWE officials were working hard to try and lock talents in to multi-year contracts.

Last year Maria Kanellis and her husband Mike Bennett both signed new contracts, to the surprise of many, as Mike had previously requested to be released.

Mike and Maria were put into a controversial storyline on Raw, but the angle came to a screeching halt when Mike requested to be released after signing a new deal.

Ultimately both Mike and Maria got released, as they were let go after the company announced coronavirus related budget cuts.

Recently Maria took to Twitter to reveal some of the things WWE officials were saying to her while they were trying to convince her to sign a new deal when she posted the following:

Some fans did not respond well to the tweets, and Maria made it clear that she will block anyone who insults her.

“I am not spilling tea, spreading gossip, or ranting. I am giving the fans insight into what my husband and I were told/experienced. Period. If you insult me I will automatically block you. I am not arguing facts with people that were not in the room or are children.”


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