Major WWE Star Out Of Action For 9 Months


Professional wrestling certainly isn’t ballet as injuries do unfortunately happen from time to time. While many big names have returned to WWE recently one of the top stars in the company is currently sitting on the sidelines due to injury.

PWInsider is reporting that Charlotte Flair is scheduled for surgery later this week in Alabama. Flair tore her ACL, MCL and meniscus during a Spanish Fly spot while she was facing off against Asuka on SmackDown last month.

The expectation at this point in time is that Charlotte Flair could be out of action for up to nine months which puts her in range for a potential return in October of 2024.

Flair is of course one of the top stars in WWE and usually plays a major role for the company during WrestleMania season, but it looks like she’ll be missing the Show of Shows this year.

Stay tuned for more updates on Charlotte Flair’s status as they become available.