Lucha Underground Targets Pentagon Jr.

pentagon jr.

Professional wrestling is an industry wrought with territoriality and the quest for exclusivity. There is no question that WWE leads the pack in this regard, they repackaged a future Kane into a haphazard Diesel gimmick to prove their ownership of the likeness, they held on to the Adam Rose name when he left the company (although he is probably much happier as Leo Krugar), and they stopped Cody from being a Rhodes once he left Vince’s Land of Powerslams.

But this territorial instinct isn’t limited to WWE.

We previously reported that Pentagon Jr. left AAA in order to work an independent schedule and pursue other interests. It turns out that there are new developments to this story and they might be somewhat treacherous as well as sinister.

PWInsider reports that Lucha Underground recently put a copyright claim to trademark the name Penta OM. Penta OM is the name that the former Pentagon Jr. planned on using in the independent circuits, but it appears that he might have this identity swiped from him before he is truly able to utilize it.

Lucha Underground is owned in part by AAA, therefore they have a vetted interest in the Pentagon character as well. It is also interesting to note that LU would perform such an action in the midst of Pentagon’s exit from the company as Dorian Rodan, a AAA executive was named head of Lucha Libre FMV.

Lucha Underground is currently on hiatus, but when they begin taping a new season of programming it is possible that fans might see the Pentagon character once more only with a different man under the mask. But, if Lucha Underground and AAA have their way, Pentagon Jr. will have to figure out a new persona entirely.



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