Negotiations reportedly took place between TNA and Destination America this past week. Destination is a channel in the Discovery Network. It’s currently available in 60 million homes or about 52% of the country.

The Wrestling Observer reports that sources close to the Destination side say that they should know before the week is over if a deal will be reached or not.

There continues to be major frustration within TNA because no deal has been announced. Some talents have been told that Spike TV is still in the running and was the most likely candidate. This kept some people from thinking negative but others have been told that Spike is not in the running.

Impact Wrestling’s last first-run episode will air on November 19th and then it will be pre-empted on November 26th for Thanksgiving week. The current plan is to do three weeks of “Best of Impact Wrestling” episodes that would air on December 3rd, December 10th and December 17th. After that, TNA could be done airing on Spike. Spike officials say that no decision has been made regarding TNA programming airing on December 24th and December 31st.