kurt angle

Kurt Angle accomplished a lot during his career inside the squared circle, but he hung up the boots for good after he was defeated by Baron Corbin at WrestleMania 35. Angle dedicated years of his life to amateur wrestling and professional wrestling, so walking away from the business was a big change for him.

The WWE Hall of Famer was recently a guest on the M&F Reps podcast and he opened up about adjusting to life after wrestling whille admitting that he did get depressed for a while.

“Yeah, I’m really happy with my life right now. I was depressed for a while. Retiring from amateur wrestling, Olympics and then retiring from the WWE, I felt like I didn’t have a place in life anymore and I fell out of place and don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love spending time with my family, with my wife and kids. But from a career standpoint, I thought, what could I do next? I’ve accomplished everything I wanted to and I don’t regret anything that I’ve done up until now but where do I go from here? And I had to learn that now, I’m a non-athlete. I do go to the gym, I go for a run every once in a while but I don’t do athletic stuff anymore. Now I pretty much work behind the desk and do the podcast and my supplement company and I take acting classes every week. I’m pretty much here. This is where I do my work now which is crazy because I really didn’t have a job my entire life. All I did was train for a living. That was my job and that’s what I did for the Olympics and for WWE and now, I realize there’s a lot more to life than just working out.”

Angle was also asked if he has any regrets, and he noted that he possibly wrestled too long when he added, “Yeah, I have a lot of regrets. But at the time same, I look back and I say if I didn’t go through those, I wouldn’t be who I am now. I have regrets about being introduced to painkillers, I have regrets on possibly wrestling too long. My body is really banged up at my age… I had knee replacements, I had three neck surgeries, I’m eventually gonna have back surgery and shoulder surgery. So, I feel like I might have been in the sport a few years too long. If I would have backed out, I think I’d be in much better health today. But, for the most part, those are my only regrets. Other than that, I don’t regret anything I’ve done in my life. Like I said, it made me who I am now.”

H/T POST Wrestling