It’s been a little while since fans have seen Kurt Angle on WWE programming, as he’s now working in a backstage role, but the former WWE Champion still takes time to interact with fans on social media.

He recently held a Q&A session on his Facebook page and when he was asked about the worst gift he ever received for Christmas Angle shared a story about how his mother once gave him coal.

“Coal. My mom gave me coal one year because my brother and I were fighting a lot. I cried. Then she pulled out my real gift, a cap gun with a holster. I was so excited. I went from crying my eyes out to being on top of the world. I was good every year after that. My mom may not have agreed.”

Angle also commented on Velveteen Dream’s future, and he predicted that he will be very successful.

“I haven’t seen much of his performances lately, but I know how talented he is. I’ve known him since 2013. He’s always had the talent to make it, and he will be very successful. VERY successful.”

That’s not the only prediction Kurt Angle made, as he also predicted that at some point they will all win gold similar to Team Angle in 2003.

“Seth and AOP will have a hell of a run. These guys are animals. Seth made a very smart move teaming up with those guys. They will ALL win gold just like Team Angle in 2003.”

Are you looking forward to seeing what Seth Rollins and AOP do in 2020? Sound off in the comments below.