Former Cruiserweight Classic Star Kota Ibushi made his debut in London this past weekend and made quite the impression when the fight was taken out to the streets.
Jimmy Havoc and Cara Noir went up against Ibushi and his partner Gota Ihashi as part of the XWA show in Bethnal Green on Sunday night, and not only did Havoc get choke-slammed on the roof of a car during the match, but the daredevil then went on to perform two incredible moonsaults off a car and a balcony.
The action didn’t stop there either as Ibushi managed to get his hands on a firework but as he climbed back up onto the car with the explosive, it exploded in his hand and burnt his neck and chest.
Kota managed to continue with the match that showed off even more insane stunts, including one member of the team being actually hit by a car.
The stunt can be seen in the video below:
Kota is seemingly fine following the event and has posed for pictures since showing off his battle scars. This has to be one of the most brutal outdoor matches that many wrestling fans in the UK have ever seen, and it now sets the tone for what could be an interesting run for Ibushi this side of the Atlantic.
Awesome battle scars, as long as he can keep hoping.