Wanna see a someone say something incredibly stupid and then do a ton of backpedaling? We do too. Well, thank god for Kings Of Leon because their bassist just put his foot in his mouth in a big way. Needless to say, he riled more than a few feathers. We have no idea what possessed him to say what he did, but it wasn’t a very smart move.
When one of Followill’s fans tweeted back at him that he enjoyed WWE every now and then he received a reply from the famous bassist. Followill doesn’t make the best Twitter troll, that’s for sure.
Jared Followill’s tweets weren’t well received on Twitter. He received a ton of negative comments about his post. So Followill felt that it was time for him to try and do some damage control.
Someone who has nothing to do with pro wrestling really doesn’t need to trash talk the business. That isn’t a good decision.
We’re so glad that in the end, the bassist for Kings Of Leon gave us the permission to continue enjoying pro wrestling. That’s really big of him. Of course, he still threw in a degrading meme in the process. But yeah, Followill really backpedaled from his previous snarky comments against pro wrestling in a big way.
Followill started to act like it was all bait in order to get a response. He certainly received plenty of attention for the tweet. So if that’s what he was looking for, we just have to wonder why?
When all else fails, just try and say your phone was stolen by some crazy guy while you were in the bathroom. Nice old-school excuse, that’s a tale as old as time.
All in all, he got some interesting responses for his tweets about pro wrestling. This should serve as a lesson to anyone who wants to outright bash the art form.
But let’s face it. People will always be ignorant no matter what subject matter you’re discussing. Instead of coming back at them with violence or hatred it’s best to educate and enlighten.
That being said, the responses he received were way better than the tweet he initially sent out. So the point goes to the Internet Wrestling Community on this one.
Maybe when the adult wrestling fans move outta ther parents basement they will realize its for kids! Kol Rocks!
[…] started to backpedal like the bassist for Kings Of Leon and said she doesn’t make matches. But she would get to work on it. Nia Jax said Alexa Bliss […]
[…] video. Trisha also called wrestling fake several times, and anyone who has ever made the mistake of offending the wrestling community in the past knows it’s a big mistake, and the YouTube star is currently facing the wrath of […]