King Kong Bundy Says HBK And Bret Hart Were Horrible World Champions


King Kong Bundy recently did an interview with Vince Russo which you can check out by clicking HERE. He certainly isn’t shy about his feelings towards the business and he takes shots at certain people. You can read a few highlights below:

On HBK and Bret Hart:

“… The advent on the downfall of this business was champions like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Horrible world champions. Did not look like grown men in my opinion. I read Bret’s book. Wow. You cannot pick up a page without being amazed at how this man’s ego was out of control. Bret wrote in his book I called him ‘little man’. I always called him the ‘little hitter’ because he looked like a little kid in the ring. I come back six years later and he’s the world champion… Total piece of sh**, Bret Hart. I used to be friends with Bret. I stayed at his house one time back in the day.”


Bundy on the wrestlers today:

“They all look alike. That’s something I’ve been saying for years. You can’t differentiate one from the other. They all look alike. I never watch the show – never. It’s basically unwatchable. “


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