Kevin Owens Deletes His Instagram After Hacker Spreads Cheating Rumors

kevin owens

Kevin Owens is one of the top stars on WWE SmackDown Live, and he works hard to entertain the fans each and every week. Owens plays a great heel on TV, but when he’s away from the ring he’s a dedicated family man.

Kevin Owens isn’t shy about letting people know he loves his family, but someone recently decided to convince the world otherwise.

Someone hacked into the Instagram account belonging to Kevin Owens’ wife, and they posted pictures insinuating that Owens had cheated on his wife.

KO’s wife eventually got her account back and then confirmed that the rumors are not true.

Kevin Owens has since deleted his Instagram account, and he released a statement on Twitter saying that “social media is an absolute cesspool.”

It’s unfortunate that Owens was forced to delete his Instagram account, as he only recently returned to the social media network.

This isn’t the first time that Owens and his wife have had issues on Instagram, as his wife previously stopped using Instagram due to the online bullying.


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