Kamala Now Off Life Support, Update On His Health


Former WWE Superstar Kamala has dealt with some serious health issues throughout his life, and fans recently became very concerned when it was revealed that Kamala had been hospitalized.

However, the good news is that PWInsider is reporting that Kamala has been taken off life support and he is now breathing on his own.

Kamala, real name James Harris, is reportedly awake and he is now alert enough to understand his family and the doctors who are treating him. He has also been weaned off the medication he was on following his surgery.

However, he’s still unable to talk, and there’s still a tube in his mouth.

It appears that Kamala has a long road ahead in regards to his recovery, but things are looking up.

Harris’ family has also thanked everyone for their thoughts and support.

It’s never fun when a pro wrestling legend encounters serious health issues.

Earlier this year fans feared for the life of two time WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair after he was hospitalized, but luckily Ric seems to be doing much better, and he’s been out doing a lot of press as of late while promoting his latest projects.

Here’s to hoping Kamala can make a full recovery.


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