John Morrison Reveals Which Current WWE Superstars He Wants To Face

john morrison

It’s been several years since fans have seen John Morrison wrestle inside a WWE ring, and since then he’s worked with various promotions, under various different names.

The former WWE Intercontinental Champion is known to Impact Wrestling fans as Johnny Impact, Lucha Underground fans as Johnny Mundo, but to WWE fans he’ll always be John Morrison.

At this point in time it doesn’t look like the former WWE Superstar is planning to return to the company anytime soon, but during a recently interview with Chris Van Vliet of WSVN-TV, he was asked which current stars he would like to face.

“There’s a lot of cool matchups that are waiting for me in the WWE. I’d love to teach Roman Reigns how to work. Just kidding. Seth Rollins. Unfinished business with The Miz. It’d be fun to get back in there and maybe do some Dirt Sheet episodes with him. Me, Miz, Ziggler and Zack Ryder would have a hell of a faction I think. I’ve never really had a long program with Cena. That’d be a fun one. I have a feeling that Daniel Bryan will be back when he gets cleared.”

Morrison’s tag team run with The Miz was one of the higlights of his WWE career, and Morrison praised The Miz for always being authentic.

“I’m not surprised. The Miz is someone who people are usually like ‘I can’t believe how well he’s doing. I can’t believe this, I can’t believe that.’ But to me he’s someone who really always defined what it takes to becomes a successful public persona and in-ring entertainer and to me that’s being authentic. The Miz is always emphatically himself. He’s always The Miz. He’s in my wedding party.”

John Morrison: Lucha Season 4, his many names, Ricochet, The Miz is in his wedding party


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