john cena

The wrestling landscape has changed in a major way over the last few months thanks to the emergence of All Elite Wrestling, and there’s been a lot of talk about whether or not the company will be competition for WWE.

It remains to be seen if AEW will reach that level, but the powers that be at All Elite Wrestling have said at this point their main goal is simply to provide wrestling fans with an alternative.

John Cena recently spoke with Chris Van Vliet about the up and coming wrestling organization, and he said that he thinks competition is good for the business.

“I think competition is great because it forces you to step up or step aside and I think that is fantastic. We have internal competition of performers trying to be the best in our umbrella and that is wonderful because you sink or swim on your own investment. I think external competition is great because once again that will force us to step up or step aside and you can say what you want about them being competition or not competition, I view any form of digestible entertainment as competition because your eyes can go elsewhere. So that’s how I view that. Competition also stands for the state of the wrestling economy and it’s really good right now. There are a lot of people overseas and smaller promotions are getting larger and more traction which means you are consuming more sport entertainment and/or wrestling which is great for everything.”

Will you be watching AEW Double or Nothing when the show airs in May? Sound off in the comments below.