John Cena is the clean-cut face of WWE but it looks like he might be getting a bit scruffier because the face of WWE is getting some hair on it.
It’s not much at this point but John Cena is certainly growing out his facial hair supposedly for a new movie role. He is also newly single and although it is highly unlikely, who knows if that could be part of it too?
It’s also unknown which movie role could be requiring Cena to grow out his facial hair but it might be any number of projects he has in the works.
Either way, John Cena pulls off a beard pretty well. It’s just starting at this point but this could be the beginning of a pretty good new look for Super Cena.
Daniel Bryan fought hard to finally get fully cleared for in-ring competition and now that he’s back in the ring full-time he’s in a feud with Big Cass. It’s kind of like finally getting something you’ve wanted for years and then Big Cass delivers it.
But Daniel Byran is making the most of his first singles feud since his in-ring return because hopefully, there will be many more. D-Bry hyped his upcoming match by saying you can’t teach being seven-feet-tall but you can certainly teach wrestling. It’s just too bad Bryan doesn’t think Big Cass learned how to wrestle because he was too lazy and entitled to put the work in to make it happen.
These are really fighting words and they might give fans that last bit of energy into this feud to make them really care. But to be honest, most fans are just biding their time until Daniel Bryan is in a higher profile rivalry against someone like The Miz because that’s what we’ve been wanting to see.