Jim Ross Thinks Chair Shots To The Head Should Be Eliminated From Wrestling

cody rhodes

Cody Rhodes recently faced Darby Allin at AEW Fyter Fest, and after the match his friend Shawn Spears turned on him when he hit Cody in the head with a chair.

Rhodes was busted open due to the chair shot, and it got a lot of people talking about whether or not wrestlers should be taking chair shots to the head.

Jim Ross called the action for the event, and he recently told Steve Austin on the Steve Austin Show that not only does he think chair shots are overdone, he thinks chair shots to the head should be eliminated completely.

“I alluded to this earlier, I’ll just come out and say what I would do: I wouldn’t do anymore chair shots to the head. We’re done with that business. If I can’t have a team around me that are creative enough to get me the results of what I want in this angle or this storyline without having to scramble somebody’s brains for real then I need to find some more hands cause we got the wrong staff here. Your last original idea died of loneliness, c’mon.”

“Nobody ever loses because of that, or wins more specifically. So I’d say ixnay the chairs cause they look like shit, the spots are wore out and there’s no reason to take a chance in damaging somebody’s brain over a goddamn high-spot or the finish at WrestleMania. It doesn’t make sense to me so I’d say the hell with the chairs, figure out something else and if you can’t, we need to get more creative people involved in solving this problem.”

Do you agree with Jim Ross? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T WrestleZone


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