Jim Ross On Why Sable Filed A Lawsuit Against WWE


During the Attitude Era Sable quickly rose to fame and became one of the top stars in WWE, but her time at the top didn’t last long, as she fell out with the company almost as fast as she ascended to stardom.

Jim Ross addressed Sable’s run with WWE during an episode of Grilling JR, and he noted that she listened to the wrong people on her way out of the company.

“She listened to the wrong people. You can look at it in a zillion ways. It comes back down to me as being egocentric. Every pro wrestler has a varying amount of insecurities and anxieties, every one of them. Some to a degree that it is counter productive, and some to a degree that motivates them to be great and stay great. But she got a little too big for her britches.”

“We were not going to release her. Not seeing Sable in a match, having her in a house show when she was there as an attraction, it was nice, but we didn’t have to have her. She was trying to ease out of the wrestling world to try her hand in a Hollywood thing. It’s every little girl’s dream. It didn’t come as a shock.”

Back in June of 1999 Sable filed a $110 million dollar lawsuit against WWE citing allegations of sexual harassment and unsafe working conditions. Ross believes that Sable was using the lawsuit as a bargaining chip to get her release.

“Well I didn’t see the lawsuit coming. I thought it was a nuisance lawsuit. I thought it was put in place so she could get her release. It was the negotiating chip she needed to walk [away from the company].”

Sable vs. Torrie Wilson - June 27, 2004

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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