Jeff Hardy Returns On AEW Dynamite


Last year Jeff Hardy officially parted ways with WWE and a few months later he made his big debut with AEW. Jeff immediately reunited with his brother and it seemed that The Hardys were primed and ready to take over the AEW tag team division.

However, Jeff was suspended from AEW after he was arrested for DUI last summer and he’s been off TV ever since. Matt Hardy recently teased that Jeff could be back soon, and The Charismatic Enigma made his return on Dynamite this week.

During the show Ethan Page demanded answers from Matt Hardy regarding his contract situation with The Firm, and Matt made his way out into the arena with Isiah Kassidy. The Firm started to beat down Hardy & Kassidy, and Hook tried to make the save, but The Firm beat him down as well.

That’s when Jeff Hardy’s music hit and he ran down to the ring with a steel chair. Jeff took out Big Bill and Ethan Page then hit Lee Moriarty with the Twist of Fate. He followed up by going to the top rope and hitting Lee with the Swanton Bomb to a huge pop from the crowd. After the Swanton Bomb, Jeff celebrated with Matt, Kassidy and Hook to end the segment.