Jeff Hardy Posts Photo Of Brother Nero, MLB Player Shares Randy Savage Story

broken matt hardy

Matt and Jeff Hardy recently lost the Raw Tag Team Titles to Sheamus and Cesaro at Extreme Rules, and everyone’s hoping to see The Hardy Boyz become The Broken Hardys sometime in the near future. The rights to the Broken Universe and all related characters are wrapped up in a legal battle at the moment, but Brother Nero is still clearly a part of Jeff Hardy, as he recently shared a photo of his alter-ego on Instagram.

“Macho Man” Randy Savage is a legend and a WWE Hall of Famer, and although he’s no longer with us, his legacy lives on.

MLB prospect Brett Phillips grew up in the same neighborhood where Randy Savage lived, and he says that when he was a kid Randy would challenge him to a game of H-O-R-S-E- every day.

“It’s a funny story,” Phillips said. “Macho Man was my neighbor from seventh until 11th grade before he passed away. Every day, he’d see me riding my bike home from school and he’d call me over to play basketball. You would think one of the days, one of the games, he would let up on me, but that was not the case. I got beat every time. You know how kids are always like ‘one more game, one more game’? No, he was the one saying ‘one more game, we’re going again’ and I’d be exhausted.”



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