James Ellsworth Doesn’t Know Where He Is, Carmella Hypes Up The Super Bowl

james ellsowrth

James Ellsworth and Carmella have been paired up recently on WWE television, and it’s a good thing too. Apparently, Ellsworth needs The Princess of Staten Island for more than just accompaniment to the ring, because he also needs someone to remind him where he is.

Related: James Ellsworth, Alexa Bliss And Bayley Share Must See Throwback Photos

Carmella recently had to tweet at her on-screen partner to let him know that he just tweeted that he’d be in a different city other than where SmackDown Live was actually holding an event. Ellsworth quickly deleted the Twitter faux pas, but Carmella left her response intact. Good thing she corrected him or else James might have gone to Fargo instead of Grand Forks.

Carmella posted the following:


If you got a little squeamish when you read that she called Mr. No Chin “Jimmy-bear,” you weren’t alone. When a fan questioned her on the fact that Carmella dropped that kind of pet name on Ellsworth, she replied in gif-form.


Tonight at the Super Bowl the Patriots are going to be playing the Falcons (I’ve been told that’s the game with the oblong ball and not the one that they have to bounce). Carmella is a big fan of New England as she was a cheerleader for them once upon a time. She reminded her adoring fanbase who she was rooting for tonight by sharing a picture of herself in a Patriots cheerleader uniform which can be seen here.


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