Indie Wrestler Breaks Skull While Attempting 450 Splash


Wrestling isn’t ballet, and injuries do happen from time to time. Unfortunately independent wrestler Shawn Phoenix learned that the hard way while wrestling a match during an International Wrestling Cartel event back in October.

Phoenix tried to hit a 450 splash from the top rope to the outside through a table, and his head ended up smashing into the floor.

The clip of the 450 splash gone wrong recently went viral, and Shawn Phoenix posted the following as the description for the video on Youtube:

“Resulting in a broken skull, bleeding from the brain, broken ear canal, leaking spinal fluid from my ear, a concussion, paralysis in the left side of my face, a torn tendon in my thumb..but I survived!”

The 450 Splash can be seen in the video below, but please be aware that the video is graphic.

Shawn Phoenix Accident which resulted with a fractured skull

The 450 splash has become a hot topic on social media with some people from the wrestling community criticizing the move, with others showing support for Phoenix as they send him well wishes.

However, he’s made it clear that he does not want people to send him donations.


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