How Impact Wrestling Is Trying To Be Like New Japan


Impact Wrestling is turning another new leaf and as a company and are transitioning into something rather exciting. Although they might have their fair share of growing pains like any company changing hands and direction it looks like they could be on the right path. Don Callis was given a bigger position with the company and he is also used for New Japan as a commentator so he knows a thing or two about how both companies work.

The booking strategy could be changing if Callis has anything to say about it as well. Soon we might be treated to a much different atmosphere in Impact Wrestling which will hopefully see a resurgence in fan interest.

Don Callis recently spoke to Pro Wrestling Illustrated where he revealed what kind of buzz he wants to create with Impact Wrestling.

“I think there are two paths we’re looking at. I think there’s the incremental path—the small victories. Let’s eliminate stupid stuff. Let’s eliminate the stuff that was ticking people off. Let’s inject some logic. Let’s slowly build a talent roster. Where we have legacy talent that we’ve allowed to move on, let’s introduce that new talent—the Brian Cages of the world, Austin Aries, wrestlers that people are excited about. Those are the incremental steps. The big picture is, look, you made the point, but you didn’t put it like this: The brand has not been cool.”

“And we all know that if we create a great product with compelling storylines and excellent talent, and we have an open environment, working collaboratively with talent and with other promotions, we all of a sudden are breaking paradigms of the wrestling business. That will then make us cool and give us a buzz. It may not happen that quickly, but by the fall, by the end of the year, we both want real buzz around Impact Wrestling. The way people talk about New Japan Pro Wrestling and get excited about it as a cool promotion, I want people to talk about us like that. And I think we are on that path.”

It might take a lot of work to bring the fans back to Impact Wrestling, but if they keep working hard they could do something especially with the amazing roster of talent at their disposal.



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