Head And Heart Predictions For Money In The Bank

money in the bank

We’re just a few hours away from what seems to be a rather stacked Money In The Bank card. So here are my Predictions that I want to happen and the Predictions that I think will happen.

The Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudley Boyz

HEART: I would love nothing more than the Dudley Boyz getting a decisive victory here. The Dudley’s haven’t exactly been booked as the dominant group that we all know they can be and a big win for them here could get them back in the Title hunt.

HEAD: I believe the Lucha Dragons will get the nod in this match. They are younger and more marketable at the moment for the younger fans.

The Golden Truth vs. Breezango

HEAD AND HEART: The Golden Truth should and will in my opinion start getting on the same page and picking up some wins, all starting tonight at Money In The Bank

Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin

HEART: Dolph Ziggler. Always been a fan of Ziggler and I’ve started to see his lack of push has resulted in a lot of people hopping off his bandwagon. The guy has all the talent in the world. Let him go over. Corbin is young and still pretty green, so it wouldn’t hurt his character in the long haul.

HEAD: Corbin.

Apollo Crews vs. Sheamus

HEART: Apollo Crews. My man needs to let out an angrier more aggressive side to his character in this match though.

HEAD: Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior I believe will pick up the victory here.


HEAD/HEART: Machka! Machka! Machka!

Fatal Four-Way Tag Team Championship Match

HEART: I’d like to see the New Day hang on to the titles for just a little bit longer. I’ve enjoyed their run and would hate to see it end in a gimmick match like this.

HEAD: Gallows and Anderson. The Club is just now starting to find its footing in the WWE and I believe the brass in charge sees that as well. Give them the ugly copper titles and instantly garner them inferno heat.

John Cena vs. AJ Styles

HEART: AJ STYLES. This feud has been building up beautifully over the past few weeks and an AJ win would for sure get us another few weeks worth of story out of these two. Styles needs a big PPV win to still remain credible in the eyes of the WWE universe and pinning the top dog in Cena could do just that.

HEAD: Cena wins LOL

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

HEART: Kevin Owens. My man is the perfect heel to carry the briefcase around and proceed with the “You never know when he’ll strike” story.

HEAD: Dean Ambrose. I’m honestly cool with this too. I’ve been dying for a Shield triple threat match on the main stage for some time now.

Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

HEART: Seth Rollins. I love everything about Rollins. He’s all around one of the top performers in the business today. He’s the face of the company we deserve and need.

HEAD: Roman Wins LOL

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