So let’s just do a brief rundown of recent events. Billy Corgan has joined the TNA creative team and things seem to be going well. He’s getting a lot of praise from people within the company and he seems enthusiastic about the product which is pretty cool.

On the flip side, Dave Meltzer broke a story recently saying that TNA is getting dropped by Destination America in the fall. He’s made it a point to say that he got this information prior to TNA’s announcement that Impact would be moving to Wednesdays and he’s also emphasizing that the story is on going.

Is this rumor true, is TNA getting dropped by Destination America? Well it’s a rumor so we really don’t know. What we do know is that this rumor has taken on a life of its own. Meltzer is under fire on Twitter from people defending TNA, but it’s also worth noting that no one in TNA has come out and said that the show isn’t being cancelled.

Basically it’s a grab some popcorn and watch the sparks fly type of situation. Billy Corgan made some comments about Meltzer earlier today on Twitter.

Now Meltzer has fired back.

The gloves are off people, the gloves are off.