Goldberg Makes The List Of Jericho, Lesnar vs. Goldberg Confirmed For WrestleMania 33


Kevin Owen’s music hit and the two best, best, best friends of the WWE came out to make it the Kevin and Chris Show once more. Michael Cole mentions that Sami Zayn is challenging Jericho for his United States Title tonight. Kevin got on the microphone and cut a great promo about proving people wrong. Chris Jericho took the microphone and put Tom Brady on the list for calling himself the G.O.A.T. then he proposed that he face KO at WrestleMania.

The crowd started “Yes” chants all over the arena. Owens said that Owens vs. Jericho would be the biggest main event in Mania history, but got out of it by saying he couldn’t face his best friend. Then Goldberg’s music hit, which meant he was walking to the entrance from half-way across the building and the camera followed him the entire way.

Once Goldberg got on the entrance ramp he was greeted with the familiar pyrotechnics. Bill was handed a microphone and didn’t flub his lines this week. He called Kevin and Chris ladies and challenged them to a 2 on 1 match-up.

Goldberg then addressed Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar’s challenge. He said he was never one to turn down a fight, and he straight up accepted the match. The Goldberg chants slowing started to fill the arena as Kevin said that he thinks accepting the bout with Brock is a great idea because it will make a great undercard match to “KO-Mania II.”

Kevin asks Goldberg if he knew why he’s the longest running Universal Champion, and Goldberg said, “Yeah, I do- because you’ve never faced me.” Bill then challenged Kevin to a match at Fastlane for the Universal Title.

Jericho tried to put Goldberg on the list, but Golderg snatched it from his hands and wrote his own name on “The List”. Jericho then accepted the match at Fastlane on Kevin’s behalf. It’s been nice seeing Kevin Owens with that red belt while it lasted.



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