In the world of professional wrestling there are several teams who are considered to be iconic such as The Dudleys. Bubba Ray and D-Von have done it all together, and their legacy was solidified in 2018 when they were officially inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

It’s been a while since fans have seen Bubba Ray and D-Von together, but Impact Wrestling recently announced that they will be reuniting for the 1,000th episode of Impact on Saturday, September 9th at the Westchester County Center in White Plains, NY.

Further details regarding the reunion were not originally announced, but Impact Wrestling confirmed today that Team 3D will indeed be in action during the 1,000th episode of Impact. Their opponents have not been revealed just yet, so it will be interesting to see who they end up facing.

The Dudleys have been a fan favorite team for decades which means anticipation for this reunion is currently at an all time high. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.