Sometimes the right or wrong name can make or break a WWE Superstar’s career and it seems that at least one former star wasn’t happy with the name they were given during their brief run with the company.

In early 2000, Caryn Mower started making appearances for WWE as a fitness instructor named Muffy. She made a few appearances on WWE programming alongside Stephanie McMahon, but ultimately the gimmick was nixed and Mower was released from her contract. During an appearance on the Cheap Heat Productions Podcast the former WWE star opened up about her release and claimed that the company let her go because she was unhappy with her name.

“I basically wrote them, ‘I was an aerobic instructor, this, that, blah, blah, blah.’ I guess Vince McMahon said, ‘Well, you’ll be a great Muffy.’ I guess that’s the name they gave me, Muffy, for an aerobic instructor, whatever it was, and I wasn’t happy with it. I wasn’t happy with the name, and I think that’s why they got rid of me, because I complained about the name. I really do believe that.”

“I knocked on Vince McMahon’s door and I remember Triple H answering the door and saying, ‘What do you want?’ and I said, ‘I wanna talk to Vince McMahon.’ And after that they said, ‘Okay,’ and I didn’t talk to him, and then later down the line I was able to explain that I was very unhappy with my name, and then about six months later they wanted to release me.”

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