Former WWE Divas Champion Returns To The Ring After A 4 Year Absence

divas champion

Some wrestlers end up staying with WWE for their entire careers, but others end up leaving the company for their own reasons.

A few years ago former WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn decided to part ways with the company, but she returned to the ring over the weekend after a four year absence.

Kaitlyn made her return to the ring at the Coastal Championship Wrestling event in Coral Springs, Florida, and she defeated Rachael Ellering in her first match back.

You can check out some photos and videos from the match below.

At this point in time it’s not known if Kaitlyn will be returning to WWE, but she noted during a recent interview that she left the company on really good terms.

“I left on really good terms. I just felt like it was my time to walk away and I was getting married and starting a business. There’s peaks and valleys in pro wrestling and I was not at a peak and I thought maybe this is a sign that I should step back and work on other things. So there was this mutual understanding, hey I’m going to ask for my release and they were like ‘well if this is what you want, sleep on it and in the morning if that’s your decision’. Everyone hugged me and it was cool and it was no big deal. They’re not going to make you stay if you don’t want to stay. We saw eye to eye and I never try to burn any bridges.”


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