Former Wrestling Announcer Talks Bob Backlund Incident At Verne Gagne’s Funeral


Last week it was reported that Bob Backlund had some sort of outburst at Verne Gagne’s funeral while Greg Gagne was giving a eulogy. It was reported that Backlund interrupted the eulogy and attempted to give some sort of heel promo in the process. Former AWA announcer Mick Karch talked about the incident on his Facebook page. You can read what he had to say below:

“If you weren’t there, it is pretty absurd to say it didn’t go down as reported, even if you’re a fan of Backlund (and there is nothing wrong with that). I will say one more time, Greg Gagne was wrapping up his eulogy for Verne when Backlund stood up, made some shouting references to representing WWE, and then told Greg, `Don’t talk back to me!’ He smiled and sat back down. Greg’s response was, `Who was that?’ Someone said, `Bob Backlund,’ and Greg responded, ‘Who let him in here.’ Backlund hadn’t just spoken the words, he was shouting as if he was cutting a promo from his Mr. Backlund days.”


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