
Over the last few years fans have seen a number of WWE Superstars get released, and back in November former WWE Tag Team Champion Scotty 2 Hotty announced that he had requested to be released.

Scotty 2 Hotty had been working as a coach at the WWE Performance Center, but he has since gone on to return to the independent circuit since parting ways with WWE. Scotty recently spoke to K&S WrestleFest about his decision to leave WWE, and he noted that the changes that were taking place in NXT and outside of the company motivated him to leave.

“Then over the last six months to a year, some changes, you know and maybe part of it was me starting to change, and seeing outside of WWE starting to change. With not only groups like AEW, but some of these independents were on fire and comic-cons were on fire, these signings were on fire.

“There was just so much going on outside of WWE, and I’m 48-years-old. So I go, ‘hey, if I’m going to do this, where I can actively get in the ring and go, now is the time to do it. I feel like I can still go and I feel like I proved that to everyone and to myself a couple of weeks ago with Joey Janela.”

Scotty 2 Hotty went on to say that he’s thankful for the opportunities that WWE gave him, but he just felt that it was time to go.

“I wouldn’t be sitting here right now talking to you guys if it wasn’t for them. So, I am thankful for everything I got from them and everything they did for me. They gave me a platform to do what I love. But it was time to go, so that’s what I did.”

H/T Wrestling Inc.