Former Champion Returns And Teases Major Heel Turn On AEW Dynamite

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You never know what’s going to happen when you watch AEW Dynamite and this week former AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida made her return. On Wednesday night Willow Nightingale faced off against Saraya, but the match featured a lot of interference from The Outcasts. The distraction worked in Saraya’s favor as she was able to get the win over Willow Nightingale.

After the match The Outcasts teamed up to take down Willow Nightingale and as they were beating down Willow, Hikaru Shida’s music hit and she made her way down to the ring holding a kendo stick to a big pop from the crowd.

However, Hikaru Shida swerved fans when she seemingly aligned herself and teased joining with The Outcasts as she hugged them then grabbed the green spray paint can. As Shida was holding the can of spray paint she stalled while Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter got in the ring behind The Outcasts.

Shida, Baker and Hayter then beat The Outcasts down and saved Willow Nightingale. Shida used their own can of spray paint against The Outcasts as they were knocked down on the mat and then she left with Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker.