
WWE stars come and go all the time, but the fun thing about wrestling is that you never know when a familiar name could return. Celeste Bonin spent years performing in WWE as Kaitlyn. Fans haven’t seen Kaitlyn on WWE programming since she appeared on the Raw Reunion episode in 2019. However, it seems that the former WWE star isn’t ruling out a potential return.

Celeste recently talked about the possibility of her returning to WWE at some point on the Developmentally Speaking podcast, and she made it clear that she would be open to working with the company again.

“I think it would be cool to do something at some point. I’m in the best shape ever physically now. I actually went (to the Royal Rumble) not last year but the year before I think. WWE called me to come out, I ended up not doing anything on the show. But I’m open to it.

“I think, before, I had such an attachment to what wrestling has to be or what container it has to fit in, but now I just see myself as who I am, and so if there’s ever an opportunity to go and do something really cool with wrestling in some way and it makes sense for me and makes sense for my schedule, then I would so be down for it.

“I of course need to brush up a little bit in the ring, I haven’t been in the ring for a couple of years, but I’m at this stage of my life where I’m like, let’s go, let’s do it, so I would definitely be open to something like that. Definitely don’t have the chapter fully closed in terms of what I’ll allow myself to participate in or be a part of.”

Do you want to see Kaitlyn return to WWE?

H/T WrestleTalk.com