
Over the last few years a number of stars have managed to establish themselves in All Elite Wrestling. Swerve Strickland has become one of the top stars in AEW and earlier this year he managed to capture the AEW World Championship.

Swerve ended up making his debut with All Elite Wrestling back in March of 2022, a few months after he was released from 2022. During a recent appearance on The Breakfast Club, Swerve commented on a possible WWE return and he indicated that it’s not something he’s interested in.

“Nah. I’m happy building AEW, I’m happy building myself in AEW. AEW has given me something that I don’t think WWE could ever give me. I’m really proud of that and I wave the flag proudly because Tony Khan didn’t take a chance on me, he knew what he wanted from me. He put me in the position and said, ‘Now grow.’ ‘What avenues do I have to grow?’ ‘Whatever you want.’

There were no parameters, no red tape. I learned how to become a true businessman on top of being a professional wrestler. That’s why ‘The Mogul’ persona is truly personified in AEW. It let me be my best self as a man and a professional.”