Exclusive: Interview With Ring Of Honor Star Matt Taven


Matt Taven has shared the squared circle with some of the best the Pro Wrestling industry has to offer. The list of impressive names includes Kevin Steen (Kevin Owens in NXT), Adam Cole, Evan Bourne, George Steele, Jay Lethal, Matt Hardy and many more. Taven was the winner of the 2013 ROH’s Top Prospect Tournament and has competed in New Japan Pro Wrestling, Dragon Gate USA and countless other promotions all over the United States. Needless to say, his resume is quite impressive and will only grow in the next few months. He can now add being the first interviewee for Still Real To Us. Lets get right to it:

Still Real To Us (SRTU): You recently were able to take part in NJPW’s 2014 World Tag League with you partner from ROH, Michael Bennett and valet Maria Kanellis. Can you touch on what it was like performing in front of the Japanese wrestling fans?


Matt Taven: It was a dream come true. Everything I thought it would be and more but the best part was saying any outlandish stuff I wanted to and people just smiling back confused.


SRTU: What has been the highlight of your career so far?


Taven: I’d say winning the TV Title at the 11th Anniversary show and becoming the longest reigning TV champ or My first night in Japan … Wrestling in Korakuen Hall with my best friend was a … “Wow I’m here moment.”


SRTU: Can you talk about your historic ROH World Television Title reign?


Taven: It was a little bit over whelming I was still brand new in ROH trying to find my groove in the company. I believe I found it about half way through my reign but looking back on it I wish I stopped and enjoyed it more… because I’m really awesome.


SRTU: Who has been your favorite opponent? The one you’ve shared the best “in-ring” chemistry with?


Taven: Oddly enough probably Mike Bennett … Which I think is why we are such good friends. I’ve probably wrestled him more than anyone else. Now we know each other so well that we make a great team.


SRTU:  With ROH’s 13th anniversary show coming up in las Vegas on ppv… can you talk about the feeling you get knowing you’re on this pretty stacked card wrestling with Mike Bennett against the Addiction and one of the biggest factions in the business today, “The Bullet Club.”


Taven: I’m so relaxed and unbelievably excited at the same time. I’m looking forward to showing that The Kingdom is the superior faction to the Bullet Club, Also our match is going to steal the show and people are looking past it. So, it takes all the pressure off me and just makes me excited to make internet dorks look stupid.


SRTU: What is the best piece of advice you have received?


Taven: It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission .. Don’t be afraid to take a risk”


SRTU: Have you seen the many Instagram accounts using you as their “Role Playing” character? I saw one where you’re “dating” WWE diva Paige haha…


Taven: I have seen role playing Facebooks, Twitters, Instagram, Tumblrs, AIM screen names, Tinders etc. . They are all super creepy and make me uncomfortable. I’ve had to explain to an ex girlfriends parents that certain account weren’t mine… So that was fun. The most upsetting thing about it I think, is that I just created an Instagram and my followers have been growing slowly while my fake accounts have tons of followers WTF. The one where I’m dating Paige though, that one is real.

(Add the real Matt Taven on Instagram @TheMattTaven)


SRTU: Where do you see yourself in a year?


Taven: In the next year the Kingdom will take over the world! Bennett and I will win the tag team title and after that I’ll be the ROH World Champion.


SRTU: Lastly, lets play a quick game of Word Association…

Kevin Kelly – Guidance

Adam Cole –  Bestie

Jay Lethal – A$$hole

Jay Briscoe – Dingleberry

The Addiction – Del Boca Vista

Bullet Club – Merch

Mike Bennett – Dad

Vince McMahon – Grapefruits

ROH – Home 

WWE – Mecca

Maria – Mom

Truth Martini – A$$hole

Macho Man Randy Savage – King

Matt Sydal – Mellow


Be sure to add Matt Taven on

Twitter: @MattTaven

Facebook: CLICK HERE

and once again his real Instagram: @TheMattTaven









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