Edge On If He Still Watches WWE, His Competition With Christian And More


WWE Hall of Famer Edge recently spoke to Mike Jones of DC 101 to promote his movie “Interrogation” and more. You can check out the full interview here along with some highlights below.

How acting is different from wrestling: “It’s the same tree, different branches. That’s what I’ve come to realize. And for me, I need to have that creative outlet. Initially when I retired I thought ‘ok that’s it, just retire.’ And then Haven came and said ‘do you want to be on an episode’ and that turned into 42 episodes. Now, by the time it’s all said and done by the end of next year I’ll have 80 episodes of television under my belt in five years and I think ‘Whoa, how did that happen?'”

If he still watches WWE: “If I do, it’s gotta be with the network. Nothing’s really live anymore because at home, we’ve got two baby girls and that’s what I’m doing. If I’m at work, that’s what I’m doing. We film over in Ireland and if I have downtime in the hotel room and with the time difference if the girls are asleep, then I say ‘ok, let’s see what’s going on with wrestling.’ And that’s how I’ve been catching up in bits and pieces.”

His ridiculous sunglasses competition with Christian: “We were like ‘ok, who can find the most ridiculous sunglasses’ and he usually won the contest. He had a gift for being a jackass. But I think my pinnacle was that I found these purple velvet sunglasses and I dyed my goatee to match. I can’t get any douchier. That was it right there.”


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