Dixie Carter Meets Up With Impact Stars, Eric Bischoff Mocks Impact’s Shrinking Roster

dixie carter

Impact Wrestling is only a few days away from the upcoming Bound For Glory pay-per-view, and things are very different for the company compared to where the promotion was last year.

Around this time in 2016 there were a lot of rumors going around regarding the future of the company, and Dixie Carter’s status.

Eventually Impact Wrestling was sold to Anthem Sports and Entertainment, and Dixie Carter was phased out, but Impact clearly still holds a very special place in her heart.

Carter recently shared a photo of herself hanging out with some Impact favorites including Jeremy Borash, James Storm, the recently released Rockstar Spud and more. Check it out below.

Speaking of recently released Impact talents, quite a few names have parted ways with the company recently from wrestlers to referees, and it was recently confirmed that referee Brian Stiffler is done with the company as well.

Eric Bischoff recently cracked a joke about the shrinking roster by saying that soon John Gaburick and Ed Nordhold will have to team up to face the catering manager and the unpaid intern in a Loser Owns The Company match. Ouch.


  1. Bischoff is just mad that TNA and now Anthem doesn’t want him and his death to the payroll @$$ running the company.


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