DDP, Jake Roberts and Scott Hall recently talked to Sport’s Illustrated’s Extra Mustard blog about various topics. In the article DDP talks about how far Jake Roberts and Scott Hall have come on their road to sobriety. You can check out a quote below and read the entire piece here.

“Jake is almost two years sober. Now, when you speak with him, you can have a really intelligent conversation with a really smart guy. But there were times when this really beat me up. That first year when Jake was sober, he messed up maybe six times. He went cold turkey from booze, pills, and crack, but he needed to go completely sober.

“Scott fell after the movie. But even when the cameras aren’t rolling, we’re still going. So let’s focus on the story you keep telling yourself. I call it ‘self-talk,’ like you talk to yourself. Nobody can pull you down more than you. No one one can f— you up more than you. The positive side is nobody can pick you up more than you, but you just need to learn how to do it. So that was my goal with Jake and Scott. Teach them how to help themselves. They’d say, ‘I’m worthless, I’m a piece of s—, I f—– up again,’ and if you keep telling yourself that, then you’re screwed. If you say you can or you say you can’t, you’re right.”