DDP Talks About An Idea He Pitched For A Feud With The Rock And More


Thesportsvision.co ( @thesportsvision ), recently interviewed Diamond Dallas Page. You can check out the interview in the video above, they sent us these highlights:

Jake Roberts:

“Jake was the greatest. I think A-Z, Ric Flair you got to put up there, Shawn Michaels may be the greatest ever as far as all the technical and everything together, but to me Jake was the guy. Because just the way he did everything, from his promos to his work in the ring, I mean everything he did out there meant something.”

Starting his career in his 30s:

“They didn’t believe in me. It’s understandable how they wouldn’t believe in me when I came back from my rotator cuff at 37, 38. But they really didn’t understand my work ethic. They didn’t really realize that I was gonna be one of the best in the business until I was. It was really good that they held me down the way they did, because if it was given too early I never would’ve been able to do and have the matches that I had. It never would’ve happened.”

DDP Yoga:

“DDP Yoga is becoming a phenomenon at this point. People are blown away by how much it’s blown up… It’s like Netflix for workouts.”

Chris Jericho’s 2011 return:

“Jericho, four years ago, blew his back out. He was done. I sent him the video of the disabled vet, Arthur Boorman, he called me back five minutes later and he said, ‘You tell me what to do and I’ll do it.’ And that’s how Chris Jericho’s journey towards getting back in the ring started. Five weeks later of doing DDP Yoga, he was 85% pain free, he called me up, he was like, ‘Dude I’m addicted to this’… Three months later after doing the program, he was 100% pain free and headlined with Punk at WrestleMania.”


“Of course I did [enjoy my time in WCW.] Was it agonizing at times and stressful? Hell yeah. But I lived a dream on a different level. The people who are bitter because things didn’t go exactly their way… I don’t think things went exactly my way when I went to the WWE, did it? Do you hear me b—hing about it?”

Signing with WWE and wanting to do a People’s Champion vs. People’s Champion angle with The Rock:

“When I walked into that office to meet Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon, The Rock is in Hollywood filming ‘Scorpion King.’ He ain’t showing up for four more weeks, so God laid it out perfectly for me, and I let someone derail me from the vision I had… I realized what I should have done was gotten up from the table when Vince didn’t want to do my idea, shook his hand, shook Shane’s hand, and said, ‘Guys, thank you so much for you the opportunity, that’s an awesome idea—the stalker thing— but it’s not for me. When you guys are ready to do People’s Champion vs. People’s Champion, you guys call me. It’s a pleasure to meet you both,’ and left.”

Shark Tank:

“[They said] that you basically cannot do any promotion of any kind for your business without the authority of ABC… The bottom line is, is that they were gonna try to control me… I said to my business partner Steve Yu, I said, ‘Dude, write them back an email, thank them so much for the opportunity, tell them we love the show, but we’re gonna pass’… They re-wrote the contract three times before I signed it. It was the best thing I ever did. This building that I’m in, the DDP Yoga Performance Center, is the house that Shark Tank built.

Bray Wyatt:

“He’s my favorite wrestler today. He definitely reminds me of Jake out there.”

Sting at WrestleMania 31:

“I thought he did a hell of a job. I thought Hunter did a hell of a job, because Hunter was the one who made that match what it really was. The Stinger did a great job; he’s 55 years old! I loved it when Scott and Kev and Hogan came down, and Billy and Kid and all that. I thought that was all great.”

WrestleMania 31:

“I thought this WrestleMania might have been the best one maybe ever. It’s up there no matter how you look at it.”


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