Could WWE Be Set To Add Another Championship To The Women’s Division?


The women of WWE have been handed a lot of opportunities in recent years, with speculation of the first ever female Royal Rumble match next year a standout example of this. The women have come a long way, and now there could be talk of creating an entirely new division.

WWE Hall of Famer Lita recently talked about the idea WWE creating Women’s Tag Team Championships, which would make sense given the recent tag team matches that have featured Nia Jax, Emma, Alicia Fox and The Boss ‘n’ Hug Connection.

Lita was part of a recent Q&A in Paris where she talked about the possibility of WWE bringing in more Championships for the women.

She said: There have been talks of tag titles for the Women’s Division and I think that I love that they first introduced the MITB briefcase, that’s been a long time coming and that adds an element of surprise within the title picture.”

“I would love to see these rumoured tag titles appear sooner than later, but for that to happen, I hope they bring up these women that are already at NXT or some women they’ve seen on the Mae Young Classic and expand the roster. “

WWE has more women on the roster than ever before, and a new division for the women would only allow more opportunities to open up for some of the most underutilized females on the roster, including former Divas Champion Alicia Fox who recently revealed that she was “embarrassed” by her WWE career.

Of course, TNA once had Knockouts Tag Team Championships and current NXT Tag Team Champion Eric Young was once held the belts, but the titles didn’t last long in the promotion before they were retired in 2013.

It would be interesting to see if WWE officials are able to add a fresh swerve on the Championships if they are added to the main roster in the near future, to ensure that the novelty doesn’t wear off too quickly.


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