Cody Rhodes Responds To Headline Saying He Left ROH A Mess

cody rhodes

Cody Rhodes is set to face Jay Lethal for the ROH World Title at Final Battle, and it’s believed that the title bout will be Cody’s last match with Ring of Honor. The New York Post recently caught Cody’s attention when they posted a headline from an article about Jay Lethal titled “The man trying to saying Ring of Honor from Cody Rhodes mess”.

Cody responded to the headline during an interview with Sports Illustrated and pointed out that his involvement with ROH has helped the company from a financial standpoint.

“The ‘mess’ I created was a 40 percent net gross increase for Ring of Honor that I feel had a great deal to do with the Bullet Club and their success this past year. Sounds silly, but there are plenty of people at ROH, and I think Jay is one of them, that are afraid of their own success. They don’t want to leave the bubble. They think I’m genuinely insane for attempting to do the things I dream of.”

Even though Cody is set to finish up with ROH at Final Battle, he’s teasing that he’ll be taking the belt with him.

“I’ve been around wrestling since I opened my eyes for the first time,” said Rhodes. “I know the difference between a title that matters and one that we have to pretend matters. The ROH title is validated by the soldiers who’ve carried it. It will be an honor to wear it a second time. And of course, I will break all the rules just as I have done the past two years. It’ll go everywhere.”

Do you want to see Cody capture the gold at Final Battle? Sound off in the comments below.


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