Cody Rhodes Comments On WWE Losing A TV Deal To AEW

cody rhodes

AEW Dynamite first premiered in the United States on TNT in October of 2019, and since then the show has been going head to head with NXT on Wednesday nights.

But AEW programming is also available in other countries, and the promotion recently signed a deal with Sky Sports Italy.

WWE had the deal for two decades, but it was reported that the company lost the TV deal due to declining viewership, and the cost of TV rights.

One fan asked Cody for his thoughts on AEW landing a deal with Sky Sports Italy, and Cody responded with the following:

“Groundbreaking! Continued brand growth is exciting, but this one really puts the movement into perspective.

I also love wrestling in Italy and I personally hope we can service that market at some point in the coming years.”

Cody Rhodes became the first ever TNT Champion when he defeated Lance Archer at Double or Nothing, and he’s been defending his title in an open challenge weekly on Dynamite.

It’s been announced that Cody will be defending his title against independent star Warhorse on this week’s episode.


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